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Top Legal Help for Speeding Tickets
from Davis, Davis & Davis Attorneys

The experienced lawyers at Davis, Davis & Davis Attorneys want you to know you can count on us as your speeding ticket lawyer! Do not trust your driving privileges to some other attorney who may not have our track record of helping drivers in Southwest Virginia. Our lawyers stand by you in court when you have a speeding ticket or face reckless driving charges.

If you have been charged with any sort of traffic offense, received a motor vehicle ticket, or face charges of operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving with a suspended license, or vehicular manslaughter, count on the experienced attorneys at Davis, Davis & Davis. We help clients who seek to fight traffic tickets in court, and need to get their drivers licenses restored.

Speeding and Reckless Driving in Virginia

There are many drivers who continue to push the limits when it comes to driving at excessive speeds, so it helps to know what it means to be charged with speeding and reckless driving in Virginia. The commonwealth’s reckless driving and speeding law is found in the Virginia Code, § 46.2-862, stating:

§ 46.2-862. Exceeding speed limit.

A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who drives a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth (i) at a speed of 20 miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit or (ii) in excess of 80 miles per hour regardless of the applicable maximum speed limit.

Motor vehicle operators charged with reckless driving in Virginia often need the professional help of an experienced attorney to fight these charges in court. The attorneys a Davis, Davis & Davis work hard to help you avoid the severe penalties associated with speeding and reckless driving. If an operator is convicted as charged, the penalty you face could be any combination of a fine of up to $2,500, license suspension of up to six months, or even jail up to 12 months.

Your specific punishment can vary based on the facts of your case, your driving record, and the local judge who hears your case. Consult with our experienced attorneys regarding your exact situation.

Traffic Tickets: Paying The Ticket or Fighting It

In many cases when a traffic ticket is issued and a driver knows they are at fault, the operator pleads guilty and pays the ticket fine online, by mail or may choose to enter a plea bargain to challenge the penalties in court. Even if you choose to plead guilty and pay the fine, the driver may incur points on their driving record (which could lead to suspension), may raise insurance rates, and may lead to taking a driving improvement course.

The other option is fighting the ticket by pleading not guilty, which means contesting it in court. Drivers may choose to represent themselves or hire an attorney. There are no penalties if found not guilty, but you must pay court and attorney’s fees. If found guilty, you incur points on your driving record, possible increase in insurance rates, and face taking a driver improvement course.

Long-Term Penalties & Consequences

What are some of the long-term penalties and consequences associated with a traffic or motor vehicle charge? Why might you need an attorney to help defend your rights? Consider the following:

  • Insurance Premium Hike
  • Security Clearance Problems
  • Loss of Job
  • Permanent Criminal Record
  • Demerit Points
  • Jail Time

DUI/DWI and Leaving the Scene/Hit-and-Run Accidents

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charges come with some hefty penalties, where even a first offense can carry a misdemeanor penalty of up to six months, often with a minimum of several days in jail. Felony DUI, where another person is killed, can result in several years in jail. Fines for DUI and DWI charges can range from $500 to $2,000, along with court costs. There can be a number of circumstances and other consequences surrounding a DUI/DWI case, so it is best to retain the services of a skilled attorney from Davis, Davis & Davis to protect your rights.

There can be criminal penalties (either felonies or misdemeanors) imposed for leaving the scene of an accident that involves another car, a pedestrian, animal, or a fixed object. For example, hitting an unoccupied vehicle in a parking lot, without leaving your contact information on the windshield, may be considered a hit-and-run. You may be sued in court for the damage suffered by the other person, the department of motor vehicles may impose administrative penalties, and a court may find you liable and impose “treble damages” on you, which means you pay triple the amount of damages as a punishment for bad behavior.

Commercial/CDL Drivers

If a driver is convicted of a major offense, they can lose their CDL for one year. Major offenses include driving any vehicle with a blood alcohol count of .08% or higher; driving a commercial vehicle with a BAC of .04%; refusing to submit to a sobriety test; leaving the scene of an accident; using the vehicle to commit a felony; driving a commercial vehicle with a suspended, revoked, or cancelled CDL; or causing a fatality through negligent driving.

Drivers convicted of a serious offense, a second conviction or any combination of them within three years can lead to the loss of CDL privileges for 60 days or 120 days, for a subsequent conviction. Serious offenses include speeding 15 mph over the posted speed limit; reckless driving; improper lane changes; following a vehicle too closely; driving a CMV without holding a CDL, having a CDL in your possession, having a CDL without the proper endorsement; or a texting while driving violation.

CDL drivers may face getting a disqualification of their license for at least 180 days if convicted for violating a driver or vehicle out-of-service order related to transporting non-hazardous materials, or hazardous materials that need a placard; or driving a vehicle designed to transport 16 passengers or more.

Do what you can to defend yourself and your rights when you face traffic offenses in Southwest Virginia by contacting the respected lawyers at Davis, Davis, & Davis in Radford, VA.

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