Traffic Accident Liability by Davis, Davis & Davis Attorneys
in Radford, Virginia

Accident Liability in Southwest Virginia
Learn the Facts!
What can you do if you are involved in a traffic accident? One of the easiest things any anyone involved in a traffic accident can do is start writing things down and documenting what happened. Taking careful notes, can help you speed up the claims processing for insurance, by providing important details. Having accurate notes that include license plate numbers, driver names, and what happened is best put on paper than to rely on your memory of things long afterward. Taking photos of the accident scene can become additional records to show the conditions surrounding the crash at the time.
Begin with what you were doing, where you were going, the people you were with, the time of day, weather conditions, and include details of what you saw, heard, and felt. If you or anyone overheard anything being said, write it down in your notes. Be sure to include any injuries you may have, as these can also change in the days after an accident. You may have pain, discomfort, anxiety, loss of sleep, bruising, and other problems related to the accident that arise. Taking photos of important scars or bruising that develop can also be added to your accident records.
Car Accident Liability in Southwest VA
Car accidents can include anything from a minor fender-bender where there is minimal damage and some slight bruising, to a major, multi-car pileup that can happen in the blink of an eye in very icy conditions. There is much written already about what to do if you are in an accident, and they happen every day. When you are involved in an accident as a result of another person’s negligence, you may be entitled to take legal action to recover damages.
Damages may include any injuries you sustained in the accident, costs as a result of those injuries (such as medical bills), prescription drug costs, lost wages from time missed at work, and other possibilities depending on the severity of your accident. Reviewing your options with a trusted lawyer from Davis, Davis & Davis Attorneys can help get you the compensation you deserve.
Motorcycle Accidents in New River Valley
Motorcycle riders must be aware of their legal rights if they are involved in a traffic accident. There can be different and more severe injuries as a result of a motorcycle crash that a car or truck driver may not experience. Accidents involving right-of-way, visual recognition, road hazards, design defects, speed/wobble, negligence, and experience can all play a causal role. As with any other accident, documenting the scene and your own injuries can help document the severity. Reviewing your accident with one of our attorneys can help you understand the process of what next steps may be taken and put your mind at ease.
Tractor-Trailer Accidents in New River Valley
Accidents involving tractor-trailers (also known as a semi or 18-wheeler) can be different than standard auto accidents because of their size. Most tractor-trailers are owned by a business and run under commercial insurance. These businesses often involve a third-party claims company hired to investigate and settle any claims. It is very important, then, for accident victims to speak with an attorney before speaking with anyone affiliated with the owner or insurance company of the tractor-trailer.
It is in your best interests to secure the services of Davis, Davis & Davis Attorneys to represent you, if you have been in a traffic accident in Southwest Virginia.